24 Halsted Street - Newton - New Jersey - 07860 - (973) 383-1985
Once a week, there is a group of individuals who come and count the collection from the weekend (or holyday). In compliance with diocsesan regulations, this group continually rotates and no one person is left with the donations alone.
After the collection is taken up in church, they are put under the celebrant's chair. Immediately after Mass, two (2) ushers bring the collection into the sacristy where it is placed in a security bag that is numbered. The closed security bag is then locked in the safe. One day during the week, one of the main counters transfers the money bags (with a police escort) into the Parish Center where is it placed on the table for all to see and opened in the midst of the group.
After each Mass' money is counted and recorded, it is then placed into a deposit bag where the deposit is then brought to the bank (with a police escort).