24 Halsted Street - Newton - New Jersey - 07860 - (973) 383-1985
At your child’s Baptism, you made the commitment for them "To be raised in the catholic faith and ina catholic home." This faith must be nurtured in a faith environment. Registering your child/ren for Faith Formation is an opportunity to continue this serious commitment of rasing them as Catholics.
The intent of our Faith Formation Program is to present the truths about our catholic faith to our young people, helping them to grow spiritually, morally and faithfully. We have chosen "Theme Teaching" so that every child in your family will study the same subject matter (presented at the appropriate age level) and hopefully invite you to engage in family discussions.
The above handbook (Grades 1-8) was published to give each parent and/or guardian a clear picture of the expecations, proceducres and policies that are expected when you enroll your child/ren for Faith Formation here at Saint Joseph Church.
As always, the main objective of our Faith Formation Programs is the formation of your child/ren in their faith according to the Roman Catholic tradition with its unique and enriching ways of worshiping God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.