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“Always . . . Christ is present in his word” (Lectionary for Mass [LFM], no. 4). In proclaiming the word of God, readers exercise their responsibility in mediating the presence of Christ. God speaksto the assembly through them. The impact of God's message will depend significantly on their conviction, their preparation, and their delivery. Their reverence toward the Scripturesisimportant because the Church sees an intimate link between "the table of God's Word" and "the table of the Eucharist." From the one, the divine covenant is announced and the Church growsin wisdom; from the other, the covenant is renewed and the Church grows in holiness (LFM, no. 10). The rich abundance and variety of readings in the LECTIONARY challenge those who proclaim the scriptures at Mass. The individualsacred authorsreflected on the meaning of God's action in history from their own perspective and in their own style. They also employed various literary forms to convey the message of salvation. These range from narratives and the poetry of the psalms to prophetic oracles and parables, from theological expositionsto apocalyptic visions. An awareness of the literary form of the particular reading and a knowledge of the sacred author'sstyle will enable the reader or psalmist to proclaim more fully and with greater understanding the tone and content of the text. Using extra-biblical sources such as Bible commentaries can help the reader to discover the meaning and purpose of a particular scriptural passage. Genuine ministry is about humble service. A model of ministry for readers is John the Baptist who had to decrease so that the Messiah could increase (cf. John 3:30). It also was said of him that, "He was not the light, but came to testify to the light" (John 1:8). In order to serve the community and give faithful testimony to the Word, the reader must put aside personal agendas and needs. Both to involve more people in active ministry and to assist the assembly to appreciate the genre and content of the different passages of scripture, it is better to have a different reader for each reading. (LFM, no. 52) The responsorial psalm is meant to be sung by a cantor at the ambo. Even singing the response alone (with the verses recited) fosters the assembly’s singing and helps them to understand and meditate on the psalm’s spiritual meaning. If necessary, however, a reader may recite the entire responsorial psalm. When the psalm is not sung, it is to be proclaimed in a manner conducive to meditation on the word of God. (LFM, nos. 20-22; General Instruction of the Roman Missal 2002 - 3 rd typical ed. [GIRM 2002], nos. 61 & 309) In the absence of a deacon, a reader carries the BOOK OF THE GOSPELS slightly elevated before the presiding priest in the entrance procession and places it on the altar. The LECTIONARY is not to be carried in procession; rather, it is prepared with the Sunday readings at the ambo before Mass begins. The BOOK OF THE GOSPELS is not carried in the procession at the end of Mass. (GIRM 2002, nos. 120d., 128, 194-195; Book of the Gospels [BG], nos. 9 & 22)