24 Halsted Street - Newton - New Jersey - 07860 - (973) 383-1985
Non-Catholic Churches with Valid Baptism
* Assyrian Church of the East
* Byzantine Orthodox Churches (all)
* Oriental Orthodox Churches (Armenian, Coptic, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Malankara, Syriac, all other Orthodox Churches)
Ecclesial Communities with Likely Valid Baptism
Knowing whether a community celebrates baptism validly or not is important in many situations, such as when a Catholic is marrying a non-Catholic. This list is based as far as possible on information on websites of the communities themselves. If the community's website supports a conclusion that the community celebrates baptism with a genuine washing with water and the use of the Trinitarian formula ("in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"), then the proper intention by the minister is presumed.
Some denominations are somewhat fluid and merge and divide at different times. The practices of the community at the time of the baptism needs to be considered.
This list is based on the general practice of the denomination; it does not guarantee that each particular minister celebrates baptism validly.
Beware of the "dedication of children" or other similar ceremonies that are not baptism ceremonies.
Some denominations also distinguish between water baptism as an "ordinance" and "baptism of the Holy Spirit." A baptism of the Holy Spirit, without water and without the Trinitarian formula, would not constitute a valid baptism. Baptism as an "ordinance" might be valid.
Some ecclesial communities use the name of their denomination in the title of their individual locations. Some do not. Others do so inconsistently. Locations in Hawaii are listed only if they do not include the denominational name in the location's title.
* Amish http://www.amishnews.com/amisharticles/religioustraditions.htm
* Anglican Communion / Episcopalian http://www.episcopalchurch.org/library/glossary/baptis
* Apostolic Catholic Church Originating in the Philippines http://www.acc-ingkong.org/doctrines-and-beliefs.html
* Apostolic Christian Church http://www.apostolicchristian.org/page.cfm?p=555
* Apostolic Church http://www.theapostolicchurch.org/aboutus.html
* Apostolic Faith Mission International Originating in South Africa http://www.afm-ags.org/confession-faith
* Assembly of God / Asambleas de Dios / King's Cathedral / King's Chapel Includes Abundant Life Ministries in Waikoloa, Aloha Church in Lihue, Amazing Grace Ministries in Waipahu, The Church at Koloa, Cowboy Church Makawao, Faamanatu Ministry in Honolulu, Family Life Church of Hawaii in Honolulu, Glad Tidings Church in Hilo, Grace Church in Pukalani, Hawaii Cedar Church in Honolulu, Hawaii Church for the Deaf in Honolulu, The House in Hilo, Jesus Cares Ministries in Waipahu, Lahaina Christian Fellowship, One Mission Center in Pearl City, Solid Rock East Hawaii in Pahoa, Sure Foundation in Hilo and Keaau, and Tabernaculo de Adoracion Hawaii in Honolulu http://ag.org/top/Beliefs/Statement_of_Fundamental_Truths/sft_short.cfm
* Associated Gospel Churches Military chaplains http://www.agcchaplaincy.com/#!our-doctrine/ckhv
* Baptist Individual Baptist congregations usually are members of a larger Baptist convention or association, although some are unaffiliated, but all appear to celebrate valid baptism. Includes Hawaii Kai Church and the Haiku Bible Church http://www.baptisthistory.org/pamphlets/baptism.ht
* Berean Bible Church In Hilo http://www.hilobereans.com/statement.php
* Calvary Chapel Includes Breath of Life Christian Ministries in Lihue, Horizon Christian Fellowship in Waimanalo, Kumulani Chapel in Lahaina, North Shore Christian Fellowship in Haleiwa, One Love Ministries in Honolulu, Shorebreak Church in Kailua-Kona, and South Shore Christian Fellowship in Honolulu http://calvarychapel.com/about/doctrine/view/doctrine/
* Calvary Community Church Kona In Kailua-Kona http://www.ccckona.org/#!believe/c24nx
* Catholic Apostolic Church Originating in Brazil http://cacina.org/index.php/who-we-are/statement-of-principles
* Christian and Missionary Alliance (The Alliance) Includes Hawaii Kai Community Church, Kailua Community Church, Kaneohe Congregation Church, Kapahulu Bible Church, Leeward Community Church, Living Water on Campus Fellowship, and Makaha Community Church in Waianae http://www.cmalliance.org/about/beliefs/great-commission
* Christian Congregation Originating in Brazil http://www.ccnamerica.org/articles-of-faith.html
* Christian Reformed Church http://www.crcna.org/resources/church-resources/liturgical-forms-resources/baptism-children/service-baptism-2013
* Church of God Based in Anderson, Indiana http://www.jesusisthesubject.org/our-beliefs/
* Church of God Based in Charleston, Tennessee http://www.thechurchofgod.org/resources/index.php?id=22
* Church of God Based in Cleveland, Tennessee, includes Abundant Life in Honolulu, Alpha and Omega in Waimea (Kamuela), Fountain of Life Christian Fellowship in Kailua-Kona, Good News Christian Fellowship in Aiea, Harvest Chapel in Lahaina, Jesus is a Sure Foundation in Ewa Beach, Jesus is Alive Fellowship in Haleiwa, Lahaina New Life Feed My Sheep, Life in Christ in Wailuku, Life Seekers Fellowship, Maranatha Fellowship in Kalaheo, and Stand by Faith in Honolulu http://www.churchofgod.org/beliefs/declaration-of-faith
* Church of God in Christ Includes Center for Deliverance in Waipahu http://www.cogic.org/our-foundation/what-we-believe/
* Church of God of Prophecy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_God_of_Prophecy http://www.cogopner.org/our-beliefs.html
* Church of Pentecost http://thecophq.org/pages.php?linkID=4&linkObj=cat
* Church of the Brethren (Dunkers) http://www.brethren.org/about/practices.html
* Church of the Lord (Aladura) Originating in Nigeria http://www.aladura.net/faith-statement.htm
* Church of the Nazarene Includes The Bridge in Honolulu, Connection Point in Keaau, Cup of Water Outreach in Pearl City, El Puente in Honolulu, First Samoan in Ewa Beach, Hawaii Korean in Ewa Beach, Iglesia Nazarena, Kailua Samoan, Kona Coast in Waimea and in Milolii, Kona Samoan, Living Stone in Honolulu, Living Waters in Kapolei, Pukalani Community, True Freedom in Pearl City, Wahiawa Community, and Wahiawa Filipino http://nazarene.org/sites/default/files/doclib/manuals/Manual%202013-2017%20-%20English.pdf
* Conservative Congregational Christian Conference Includes Lihue First Church http://www.ccccusa.com/about-us/statement-of-faith/
* Council of African Instituted Churches Originating in Ghana http://councilforafricanindigenouschurches.yolasite.com/about-us.php https://www.oikoumene.org/en/member-churches/council-of-african-instituted-churches
* Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim Originating in Nigeria http://www.esocs.net/Programmes/Special-Services.aspx
* Evangelical Church http://www.theevangelicalchurch.org/?nid=30550&s=au#!what-we-believe/cpz1
* Evangelical Covenant Church http://www.covchurch.org/resources/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/03/covenant_affirmations_booklet.pdf
* Evangelical Free Church of America Includes Faith Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Grace Community Church in Kailua-Kona, Harbor Church in Honolulu and Haleiwa, Kalihi Union Church, Mililani Community Church, Ohana Christian Fellowship in Kapaa, and Trade Wind Communities in Kailua http://go.efca.org/sites/default/files/resources/docs/2013/03/sof-with-scripture-references.pdf
* Faith Family Maui In Kahului (formerly Rose of Sharon Church) http://www.faithfamilymaui.com/what-we-believe.html
* Foursquare Gospel Church / Hope Chapel / New Hope Includes Calvary Church of the Islands in Kailua, Inspire Church in Honolulu, Waipahu, Waikele, and Mililani, and Waipuna Chapel in Kula http://www.foursquare.org/about/what_we_believe/spirit_filled_life
* Free Methodist Church http://fmcusa.org/uniquelyfm/doctrine/
* Honolulu Christian Church http://honoluluchristian.org/index.php/about-us/we-believe
* Iglesia Filipina Independiente / Philippine Independent Church Aglipayans under the De Los Reyes faction using a Trinitarian formula (after 1947) in communion with the Anglicans/Episcopalians Source: Gary Noel S. Formoso, JCL, "The Problem of Validity of Aglipayan Baptism," Philippine Canonical Forum VII (2005), pp. 157-177.
* International Assemblies of the First Born Includes Full Gospel Temple in Honolulu, Kahului, and Lihue, Hilo First Born Temple, Jesus is the Way Fellowship in Waipahu, Koinonia Pentecostal Church in Lahaina, Living Stones Christian Fellowship in Waipahu, and Waipahu Full Gospel Chapel http://iafirstborn.org/about-us/tenets-of-faith/
* International Pentecostal Holiness Church http://iphc.org/iphc-manual-2013-2017/
* Island Family Christian Church In Honolulu, merger of Aloha Christian Church and East Oahu Christian Church http://www.islandfamily.org/baptism.shtml
* Jesus is Lord Church http://jilworldwide.org/church/declaration-of-faith
* Kaimuki Christian Church http://www.kaimukichristian.org/mission-vision-values/ http://www.kaimukichristian.org/what-we-believe/
* Kauai Bible Church In Koloa http://kauaibiblechurch.com/KBC/Vision_%26_Mission.html
* Kona Christian Church In Kailua-Kona http://www.konachristianchurch.org/beliefs.html
* Kumulani Chapel In Kapalua http://kumulanichapel.org/about-us/statement-faith/
* Liberal Catholic http://www.thelccusa.org/about/doctrine.html
* Lutheran There are four principal Lutheran denominations and some unaffiliated, but all appear to celebrate valid baptism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutheran_sacraments
* Manna Church https://hawaii.manna.church/about/vision-mission
* Mennonites http://mennoniteusa.org/confession-of-faith/baptism/
* Moravians http://www.moravian.org/faith-a-congregations/the-sacrament-of-baptism/
* New Apostolic Church http://www.nac-usa.org/images/downloads/FINAL_Catechism.pdf
* New Life Body of Christ In Wahiawa http://www.newlifebodyofchrist.org/#/nlbc-highlilghts/baptism
* Old Catholic http://www.oldcatholic.org/catechism/part1.html#Creed_Art10_Baptism
* Old Roman Catholic http://www.old-roman-catholic.org/articles-of-belief.html
* Open Bible Churches https://www.openbible.org/About-Us/Core-Beliefs
* Pacific Islands Bible Church in Mililani http://www.pibcOhana.org/beliefs.html
* Pentecostal Church of God Includes Kona Gospel Chapel in Keakakekua http://www.pcg.org/#!beliefs/ca25
* Pentecostal Mission / New Testament Church / Universal Pentecostal Church Originating in Sri Lanka http://wordwillsave.com/cpm/
* Polish National Catholic http://www.pncc.org/?page_id=11
* Presbyterian http://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/worship/sacraments-baptism/
* Reformed Baptist Church Includes Central Baptist Church in Honolulu, Honolulu Bible Church in Palolo Valley, Grace Covenant Church in Kapaa
* Reformed Church in America http://images.rca.org/docs/worship/CombinedBaptismProfessionReaffirm.pdf
* Reformed Episcopal Church http://www.recus.org/articles.html
* Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church http://reachsa.org.za/about-us/distinctives/
* Seventh Day Adventist http://www.adventist.org/fileadmin/adventist.org/files/articles/information/ChurchManual_2010.pdf
* Society of St. Piux X http://sspx.org/en/about
* Traditional Anglican Communion http://traditionalanglicancommunion.org/index.shtml#about
* United Reformed Including Grace Church of Kauai https://www.urcna.org/sysfiles/member/custom/file_retrieve.cfm?memberid=1651&customid=23908
* United Church of Canada http://www.united-church.ca/beliefs/statements/union
* United Church of Christ (UCC) Most Congregational churches in Hawaii are now part of the UCC. Includes in Hawaii the ACH Congregational in Honolulu, Amataga Fou in Ewa Beach, Bethel of Amazing Grace in Waipahu, Bishop Memorial in Honolulu, Bread of Life in Honolulu, Central Christian in Hilo, Central Union of Honolulu, Church of the Crossroads in Honolulu, Church of the Holy Cross in Hilo, Church of the New Testament in Honolulu, Church of the Pacific in Princeville, Chuukese Christian Ministry in Maui, Chuukese Congregational, Church of Christ in Honolulu, Community Church of Honolulu, Crystal of Salvation in Waipahu, Cup of Freedom in Honolulu, Ewa Community , First Chinese Church of Christ in Honolulu, First Samoan Congregational Christian of Maile, First Samoan Congregational Christian in Waianae, First United Protestant in Hilo, Haili Congregational in Hilo, Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational, Hauoli Kamanao in Captain Cook, Hauula Congregational, Helani Congregational in Kealakekua, Henry O./Hokuloa Chapel in Naalehu, Hilo Marshalle, Honolulu Cosmopolitan, Honolulu Marshallese in Waipahu, Hoolehua Congregation, Hoolokahi Congregational in Kealakekua, Huialoha Congregational in Puunene, Iao Congregational in Wailuku, Imiola Congregational in Kamuela (Waimea), Island Community Church of Honolulu, Ka Hana O Ke Akua in Waianae, Kaahumanu in Wailuku, Kahakuloa Hawaiian Congregational in Wailuku, Kahikolu Congregational in Captain Cook, Kahuku Congregational in Oceanview, Kahului Union, Kailua Christian, Kalahikiola Congregational in Kapaau, Kalaiakamanu Hou Congregation in Kalamaula, Kalanikahua Hou in Haiku, Kalapana Mauna Kea Congregational in Pahoa, Kalemela Congregational in Honokaa, Kalihi and Moanalua Church, Kaluaaha Congregational in Kaunakakai, Kanaana Hou-Siloama in Kalaupapa, Kanana Fou in Kunia, Kapaa First Hawaiian, Kaulanapueo Congregation in Kula, Kaumakapili in Honolulu, Kawaiahao in Honolulu, Keanae Congregational, Keawalai Congregational in Makena, Keolahou Congregational Hawaiian in Kihei, Koloa Union, Koolau Huiia Protestant, Kosrae Honolulu Congregational, Lahuiokalani Kaanapali Congregational, Lanai Union, Lanakila Congregational, Lihue Christian, Lihue United, Liliuokalani Protestant in Haleiwa, Living Stones in Kailua-Kona, Makawao Union, Makiki Christian, Malamalama O Le Saolotoga in Waipahu, Malamalama Ole Alofa Tunoa Congregational in Honolulu, Manoa Valley, Maui Evangelical in Kahului, Maui Marshallese Ministry in Kahului, Maui Samoan Congregational, Message of Peace in Ewa Beach, Moanalua Community, Mokuaikaua in Kailua-Kona, Nahiku Hawaiian in Kahului, Nanakuli Samoan Church of Hawaii (LMS) in Waianea, Nuu Lotu in Pearl City, Nuuanu Congregational, Ohana Niihau O Waimea, Olaa First Hawaiian in Kurtistown, Olowalu Lanakila Hawaiian in Kaanapali, Opihikao Congregational in Pahoa, Paia Hawaiian Protestant, Palapala Hoomau Congregational in Hana, Pearl City Community, Pohakupuka Congregational in Ninole, Pookela in Makawao, Pukaana Congregational in Honaunau, Samoan Congregational Christian of Honolulu, Trinity Samoan Congregational in Honolulu, United Community in Hilo, Vai Ole Ola O Kailua, Vaipuna O Le Ola in Honolulu, Waialua Congregational, Waianae Samoan, Waihee Protestant, Wailuku Union, Waiokeola Congregational in Honolulu, Waiola in Lahaina, Waioli Huiia in Hanalei, Wananalua Congregational in Hana, and Windward Samoan http://www.ucc.org/worship_baptism
* United Methodist / Evangelical United Brethren / African Methodist Episcopal (AME) / AME Zion / Christian Methodist Episcopal / Union American Methodist Episcopal These denominations now in full communion http://s3.amazonaws.com/Website_Properties/what-we-believe/documents/by-water-spirit-baptism http://www.ame-church.com/our-church/our-beliefs/
* Uniting Church in Australia http://uca.org.au/about/basis-of-union/
* Unity of the Brethren http://unityofthebrethren.org/about-us/catechism/#SECTION%20XII valid
* Universal Church of the Kingdom of God http://www.uckg.org/?page_id=1419
* Vineyard Churches http://www.vineyardusa.org/site/files/about/Vineyard%20USA%20Statement%20of%20Faith.pdf
* Wesleyan Church https://www.wesleyan.org/979/articles-of-religion
* Word of Life Christian Center http://wolhawaii.com/who-we-are/
* Zion Christian Church Originating in southern Africa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zion_Christian_Church http://countrystudies.us/south-africa/54.htm
Communities with Doubtful or Invalid Baptism
* Affirming Pentecostal Church International https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirming_Pentecostal_Church_International
* African Church of the Holy Spirit Originating in Kenya https://www.oikoumene.org/en/member-churches/african-church-of-the-holy-spirit
* African Israel Church Nineveh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Israel_Church_Nineveh
* Amma Church of Christ http://churchofchrist.cc/may-we-help/
* Apostolic Assemblies of Christ http://apostolicassembliesofchrist.com/ourbelief.php
* Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus http://asambleaapostolica.org/english/the-assembly/what-we-believe/
* Apostolic Faith Church With “Jesus Coming Soon” sign http://jesuscomingsoon.org/index_files/HistoryOfTheChurch.htm
* Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God http://www.aohchurch.com/about-us/what-we-believe/
* Ark of Safety Christian Fellowship In Waianae, not enough information http://aoshawaii.com/about
* Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ https://aljc.org/doctrine-statement/
* Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ
http://biblewaychurch.org/wp/about-us/what-we-believe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_Way_Church_of_Our_Lord_Jesus_Christ
* Christadelphians http://www.christadelphia.org/belief.htm
* Church of Christ / Christian Church / Community Church Not including those part of the United Church of Christ; autonomous, non-denominational communities in the "Restoration Movement" which do not accept creeds so are not clearly Trinitarian in their beliefs and lack standardized baptismal practices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restoration_Movement
* Churches of Christ Same notes as prior listing, includes Church of Christ at Sand Island, East Hawaii Church of Christ in Hilo, Honolulu Church of Christ, Kailua Church of Christ, Kauai Church of Christ in Lihue, Kona Church of Christ, Leeward Church of Christ in Waipahu, Maui Church of Christ in Wailuku, Ocean View Church of Christ, Ohana Church of Christ in Honolulu, Pearl Harbor Church of Christ, Wahiawa Church of Christ, Waimea Church of Christ (Kamuela), and Waipahu Church of Christ http://www.churches-of-christ.net
* Church of Christ Light of the Holy Spirit Originating in Congo https://www.oikoumene.org/en/member-churches/church-of-christ-light-of-the-holy-spirit
* Church of Daniel’s Band http://churchofdanielsband.com/about-2/our-beliefs/
* Church of Divine Science http://divinescience.com/beliefs/ds_faq.htm
* Church of Jesus Christ on Earth by His Special Envoy Simon Kimbangu Originating in Congo http://www.kimbangudiscoveries.com/kimbangu29.html http://www.geni.com/projects/Kimbanguism-Congo-l-Afrique/4731
* Church of the United Brethren in Christ http://ub.org/about/doctrinal-beliefs/
* Churches of Jesus Christ International http://thecojcint.org/Doctrine.php
* Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith http://www.cooljc.org/a-unified-method-of-baptism/
* Christian Church / Disciples of Christ Includes First Christian Church in Honolulu, Christ Church Uniting Disciples and Presbyterians in Kailua, and Waihiawa Christian Church http://disciples.org/our-identity/communion-and-baptism/
* Community of Christ http://www.cofchrist.org/basic-beliefs
* Divine Love Ministry In Kaneohe http://www.divineloveministry.org/
* Door of Faith http://www.dooroffaithhawaii.com/beliefs/
* Evangelical Christian Church (Christian Disciples) in Canada http://www.eccincanada.com/Doctrine
* Evangelical Free Church of Canada http://www.efccm.ca/wordpress/resource/learn-about-the-efcc/statement-of-faith/
* Every Nation Ministries While this association of churches is Trinitarian in doctrine, it lacks standardized baptismal practices. In Hawaii, includes Destiny Christian Church, Grace Bible Church, Innovative Concepts, plus campus ministry locations; many locations meet in schools and theaters http://www.everynation.org/about/statement-of-faith/
* Faith in Jesus Church (formerly Wailuku