24 Halsted Street - Newton - New Jersey - 07860 - (973) 383-1985
In the parish, often times the Pastoral Council (commonly referred to as the “Parish Council”) is confused with the Finance Council. In fact, they are two very distinct groups. The Finance Council, which deals with financial matters of the parish, is required by Canon Law, while having a Parish Council (which does not directly deal with the finances) is not required by the law.
More practically, the Pastoral Council enables the pastor to obtain the input of members of his parish. They are his “eyes and ears” of the parish community (which have been duly elected by the same) and share their own perspective on various issues which affect the parish. Nonetheless, while they can offer him their advice and opinions, the council members cannot tell him what to do. The priest is not just one member of the council; he is the head and sole deciding agent.
Here at Saint Joseph Church, it is the personal philosophy of our pastor to engage as many people in this ministry. Therefore, he has reinstituted the Pastoral Council, which has not been in existence for many years. Open to other’s opinions and views, consultative in his approach in making decisions, are all hallmarks of his administrative style. Often times he has spoken and written that: "his door, his email and his mind is always open."